Sunday, August 31, 2008


i got the nickname Ye Ya from my first grandchild- she started calling me that when she was about 8-9 months old - it became very familiar and alas i am known to all by that nick name. i felt a little weird when i heard someone in the family encouraging their grand child to call them by ye ya- because before my grand daughter everyone else was "grandma, abuela, lela- never any ye ya's before me and my grandbaby Lily - So it shows their lack of originality- i feel very proud of the nickname because my grandbaby gave it to me- it was a very private and personal exchange- and now this person kinda of wrecked it for me! it may not mean anything to anyone else but to me it does- on a very personal level- by the way this is a picture of my cutie grand baby Lily

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