Tuesday, July 12, 2011

how to back up you blog in blogger (this info was obtained from Handmadeology

1. To export the content of your blog go to Settings and on the first line of the Basics tab you will see Import blog, Export blog and Delete blog. Click on Export blog.

2. A new window will open that will look like this:

You have to click on Download blog and in seconds you will have a file named blog-dd-mm-yyyy.xml (the date of your back-up).
And you are done exporting your blog content.
3. To save the template of your blog go to Design and click on Edit HTML. Click on Download Full Template and in a blink of an eye you will have the second and final file.

And you are ready with your Blogger blog back-up.
4. Here is how to restore your blog:
- Restore blog content: Follow the 1st step but instead of clicking on Export blog, choose Import blog.

You will be redirected to a page which will help you locate the file on your computer.
- Restore blog template: Follow the 3rd step and instead of clicking on Download Full Template, look at the line below, saying Upload a template from a file on your hard drive. Then by clicking on Browse, navigate to the file and click on Upload.

And that is all! Now you have taken good care of your blogger work and if anything unexpected happens online, you can upload the two files from your computer and restore your blog in seconds!

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